Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My School Bag

When I was a Kid my Father Leave me School on his Bicycle with one hand carrying my School- Bag and I sat on Front seat all carelessly enjoying the Ride and Everyday after School I Found him waiting outside and he waits even if I got bit Late and now I go with my Office-Bag all by Myself Sometimes I Feel, I am not Even Driving, my Bike knows the Route and he took me there. Now nobody Cares whether I Came Back or not because Everyone has Assumed that I won't Dare getting Lost.

When I was in School, I had many Dreams and one among them was to Keep Travelling the World with all my Dear ones in one Big Van and Living in one Big Farm House all Together. Now I am Sad because I can almost See the Impossibility.

My School-Bag contains Everything Required for me, It had Half-Dozens of Text Books & Copies, a Water Bottle, a Tiff-in Box, and most Important the Pencil box with 3-4 varieties of Pencil (Small, Dark, and  Light ones) 2-3 Eraser (White Natraj still Inside Plastic cover, Green and an Old dark colored rough one) & Sharpener,Geometry tools,and 4-5 colors of Pen (Red, Blue, Green and Pink), 
a Blade (Multipurpose), Unused Papers, Dry Leaves, and so many etc etc things, however It was always overloaded and by mistake If It falls, It took 5 minutes for Rearranging all in their Respective Designated Places. 
But It's best use was when I purposefully keep it on Desk and lost in Daydreaming watching outside Door or Window ( obviously only when there are no teachers in the class), I wonder what I must be Daydreaming.
And the Best Time was when a Teacher comes and says Today no-teaching, I am going to tell you all a Story, I Guess that used to be our Daydreaming , and suddenly Everyone Took a Rebirth, and First thing we do is very hurriedly putting our Bag on Desk, keeping both Hands on Cheeks and looking towards Teacher with Great Curiosity and Twinkling Eyes, by being impressed by our welcoming Response the Teacher even felt better and Transform himself/herself in Best Story-teller Ever Born that moment we Forgot that our School-Bag Do Contains anything Important, It was very roughly used like a Pillow.

Now My Office-Bag is (5-10) Times costlier than My School-Bag but I have no Attachment with the Items Inside and I don't Feel Excited in Bringing Inside Things out, and I Never get chance to use it as Pillow.

And sometimes, I Wonder If I was Happy with my School-Bag, Why I need to Earn this Office-Bag.

(From the Pages of My Dairy Written on  20th March, 10.45 Pm )