Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Joy of Divine Love

There are moments which caught you in, makes you their prisoner, wherever you go, whatever you do, you are never out of it, it was one such moment.

And you sat in front of me, face to face, watching straight into my eyes- inside me, gently holding my hands with yours, and you started transmitting your energy inside me, your eyes filled with love for my soul and knowledge that we met again. At that moment nothing existed in my world, but only that pair of eyes, an unknown sensation like an electric shock passed through my body, a mixed feeling of laughter and cries rolled at the same time, and also a strange urge to stop you, stop letting you look inside me - as it is, with no pretensions, the natural, real me, but how could I? It was all destined, you have always known me and you were not looking at my body, but my soul and beyond that, and that moment I get to know that, I have always known you, Have we met before? Are we Soulmates?
I am still looking for the answer and deeply intrigued to know and understand your experience for the same.
Somewhere deep in my heart, my existence always knew that you exist, but I lost hope and look! We again found each other. I don’t know whether you recognize me or not, and my logical mind saying it’s all just imagination, but I know deep in my heart and all my atoms seems to echo it, and one thing I know about myself that my feelings don’t lie.

I wish we meet again, create beautiful memories and together create a better world, but again, I remind myself that I shouldn’t be restless for your company. I shouldn’t be greedy for it, everything happens when the right time comes. I did my part that is to be in a place where destiny can’t cheat, and I strongly believe that in the path of ‘Dharma’ destiny can’t be odd. We are on our separate journeys for truth, for enlightenment and we crossed each other because it was all meant to be. That’s the best way for Soulmates to self-actualize their worth, isn’t it?
Before I could be friendlier on a physical world, I intentionally left without informing you because that time I wasn’t ready to develop a relationship based on material details since I didn’t want to disturb a connection that was established at the level of souls, that time I felt these things didn’t much matter. And more than that I was afraid to have more of you inside me and to take any tiny step towards a path of love where there won’t be a return for me, I was scared to invest in it. 
And now, Even if, I don’t have your address on earth and your contact number, but I feel connected with you all the time.

It’s like; Your Eyes are fixed on me,
They are moving with me,
Chasing me wherever I go, everywhere,
They are not allowing me to move on from them,
They have caged me,
Look! What have you done to me?
Why don’t you leave me alone?

Before I met you, I reached a phase where I was at a dead-end; living on anti-depressants pills, devoid of love and life, disconnected from my natural tendency to give and receive love and you rekindled everything.

Now I am scared to invest in it,
I am afraid to take any further step,
Not because the path further is unknown and full of risks, where I may get hurt, and land in an endless trap and where I would feel miserable as before; but because I don’t want to lose my capacity to love.

You have transformed me,
Through your eyes, you have not only transmitted, but also incepted seeds of your divine love inside me; I just have to keep nourishing the seed,
They will be always with me, lifelong,
They will be my source of energy for transmitting love in the world through my eyes and actions,
I am lucky to find you on this birth.

We have met on a journey; it was all plan of destiny,
If we are destined to meet again, we shall, it shall be done,
If our meeting was part of a divine process, a cosmic event where Soulmates unite for the fulfillment of a divine purpose, then we shall meet again, maybe not in this birth, but I shall always wait for you,
If we are Soulmates, we will find each other, we have to,
Till then, take care,
And you know, you are always with me; I can feel you around,
Like your eyes fixed on me, watching me all the time.

(From the pages of my diary, written on 08th Oct 2018, 9.24am)