Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Oh! My God, That's Love.

There are melancholy, there are blank spaces that I never understood, there are restlessness, breathlessness but among all these, there are hope, that hope is a 'Smile' - a smile that eagerly and passionately demands to connect with your soul, a smile in which your heart wants to get lost and you are waiting for it and you know that it will take away all negative that ever previously existed.

There are gesture's that make you know that you will be always loved.

And then there are questions that are disturbing yet delighting, kind of stirring you from inside, questions- that were never asked, demanding you to drop all defense, and then slowly things settle down, and you found peace through them,

There are Uneasiness - when those eyes goes inside finding meaning beyond visibility and then suddenly you are scared, and you feel like crying, because they have unlocked you, they can see the real you, the naked you, with all your insecurities & weaknesses & lies & guilts and yet they hug you,

You have been challenged to step out of your comfort zone and you resist because you found it stupid and then next moment you laugh like you never did before because now you enjoy stupidity, you came out afresh, the old is gone, you are out of your shell, and you sing and your heart dance and you both enjoy this new version.

You know they are the best moments of your LIFE, you are totally in tune with Life and you don't want to let go of  Present, you don't want it to stop, you don't wish tomorrow, yet you watch it slowly pass and you can't do anything about it, and you crave for more because you know next day will be different, you know things changes with time, you feel insecure, you feel emotional, you don't want that night to ever pass, you don't want to be left alone, you don't want to say Goodnight, but there is hope, hope says smile will come back, for now go to sleep in celebration of love, you are lucky to have those moments.

Those moments are Life, so be happy & satisfied.

You have lived, many die without living.

Oh! My God, that's Love.

And I miss it so much.

(From the pages of my dairy written on 16th may 2017 9pm)
